AMD did an interview with me about our work with Frostbite 2 and DirectX 11 which is now available online on the AMD game website.
The interview became longer than we expected, so the full interview in an easier to read PDF format is also available here (recommended version).
AMD was also nice enough to put up a small Frostbite info page, nothing too fancy but good to have.
Interesting stuff, even if I don't like the style of the questions (like "our graphic card is the best, isn't it? Tell them"), but considering it's an interview made by AMD I guess some bias is quite normal :-)
Yeah of course the questions are a bit angled due to the source.
But right now AMD also do have some quite awesome GPUs :)
I was really excited to see this post repi, I do not even care for eyefinity, hell I use a 4:3 CRT monitor right now, but I agree with you 100% People who think spending more money on something to enhance the experience is cheating well... they are just closed minded.
Do I think Micheal Phelps cheats because he has a $15,000 bathing suit? No. Does it give him an advantage? The numbers say so.
Do I care that someone has a faster car than me and therefore can probably beat me in a race? Nope!
Do I care if someone can see more of the game than me? Sure, but they were probably going to kill me either way. I cant blame them for putting more money into something competitive. Doing so would just be selfish.
Glad to see that DICE has turned around, hopefully it was not AMD & Eyefinity that made you guys do that... Because in BF2 you guys (not you specifically of course, but the entity(s) in which you represent) claimed that Horizontal scaling FOV caused cheating. And that was the basis for Vert Scaling FOV.
Bah! I forgot to drop this link, Please have a look at this. I really hope that BC2 passes the WSGF Certification.
Yes the BF2 widescreen issue was bullshit, we will not repeat that. I'll check out the WSGF, thanks for the comment and link Riley!
I am the Owner/Founder of the WSGF. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to support your implementation of proper FOV in WS and TH/EyeFinity.
We've got plenty of "Insiders" that would love to beta test for you, and we have a close relationship with ATI/AMD on EyeFinity as well.
If you'd like to get in contact, let me know.
Great stuff in that article knowing that a large Software developer is working so close with AMD in an effort to embrace and push the edge of new visual technologies.
After reading some progressive news on the new Frostbite2 engine, and specifically BadCompany2, it's exciting and comforting to know that the both AMD and the Dice team are working together.
After witnessing certain developers for a period of time where they chose to limit visual field of view options I am also looking forward to Dice embracing ATI Eyefinity as it will help take immersive gaming to the masses and to the next level, and that's what it's all about.
Love your work! Keep it up.
- JohnnyWakko
Cool, there will be a PC beta for BC2 PC later on. I'll get you guys involved.
This sounds awesome. The battlefield games have such a huge following, this will just put them head and shoulders above the rest.
As Ibrin says, if there's any help you need, we have a wide, extremely dedicated community and Insider group who would be more than happy to make sure widescreen and multi-mon support are as good as they can be! :)
Keep us updated! And this game is pretty damn close to my most wanted of 2010 thanks to the failure that was Modern something or other.
Battlefield is easily my favorite shooter series, and being a new eyefinity user, nothing has made me more excited than to hear that it'll be supported in upcoming DICE games.
I've been playing in the PS3 Beta, and I'm loving it. On my PC this game is going to be a beast. I'm already rallying my friends behind Bad Company 2, I'll probably have to rent my own server.
Keep up the good work!
This is just awesome, EA-DICE have gone from narrow minded (see the WSGF awards!) to wide screen aware. I am a big style BF fan, have played every BF game ever released (even Heroes for all of about 1 evening, YUCK!). This is such great news for me, I have 3 screens... it is an advantage but not a huge one. No more than a real good mouse or the ability to have the draw distance to full. But it is a HUGE immersion/enjoyment increase. So thanks DICE.
And well said Riley, when I was gaming on BF2 on my under powered laptop for a year or so, I accepted that my draw distance set to low meant I would get pwned a lot. But I still had fun!
Just notified over 15k people through the Widescreen Gaming Forum newsletter about this. Wanted to make sure you knew we were happy to spread the news of the EF support.
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