Stylized Rendering in Games course (Monday, 26 July):
- Cartoon 3D for Battlefield Heroes - Henrik Halén
- Style and Gameplay in Mirror's Edge - Henrik Halén
Advanced Techniques in Real-Time Hair Rendering and Simulation course (Wednesday, 28 July):
- Destruction Masking in Frostbite 2 using Volume Distance Fields - Robert Kihl
- A Real Time Radiosity Architecture for Video Games - Per Einarsson
Beyond Programmable Shading course (Thursday, 29 July):
- 5 Major Challenges in Interactive Rendering - Johan Andersson
- Bending the Graphics Pipeline - Johan Andersson
The slides & material for these presentations will be posted directly after Siggraph ends on as well as on this blog.
We'll have a contingent of 4-5 DICE people at Siggraph + hopefully some EA friends, send me a tweet (@repi) or a mail (repi at if you want to meet up for some interesting technical discussions and food/beer!